Monday, February 11, 2019

Bom Pastor- Week 1

Bom Dia Y'all!!

So now I am in an area where the Bishop is from Houston Texas so we just speak English and he lives 3 doors down and has an English company where he teaches English so that is pretty cool! Also, my area is the airport so every 10 minutes we see an airplane going off which is the plane I will take lol. I will take a picture one day with the plane taking off over my head. Also, we got into a bus today that had all the flight attendants so not only am I always seeing airplanes I see the attendants too! Lol the area is super cool as of now and we have some really cool people that we are teaching already!

 Besides of all that, our area is actually pretty small but there is a lot of room to see growth. We are teaching Edinea and she will be going to get a date marked to get married this next month so she is super excited! Also, there is Jaque that is about 22 years old and she is preparing to be baptized soon. She already has gone to church two times from only being taught for 2 weeks. She is loving the church and has some friends there already. She has a daughter so we are focusing a lot on eternal families and she understands it all. 

 As of now its been a rush to see how the new zone is going and already next week is my last Zone conference so I am getting really nervous with everything happening all at once and so quick! I have not been home literally all day so I don't have pictures to send because I don't have my camera but I will have lots next week! Love you all and talk to you all on the next week!

Elder Bryson D Hammond
Missão Brasil Curitiba Sul

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